Sunday, January 22, 2012

About Me

About Me

I returned to ballet because of a hurricane. I spent my whole life becoming a surgeon; I had just started my orthopaedic residency when a hurricane came and destroyed my hospital. I packed up my husband, my dogs and found a new residency in the frozen north, far away from  everything I knew: family, friends, the SEC, and sweet tea.
I had to repeat a year of residency, adding yet another year to my 9 years of post-college education. I had to do something with the house I owned in that hurricane ravaged town I left. I had to prove myself in my new job. I had to support my husband, who had a difficult time finding work in our new town and was a little peeved about the whole situation.  I had lost everything I owned. I had a lot going on. I had no help.

So I did what any modern career woman would do- I went to therapy.

Three months of weekly therapy at $25 a session and all I got was how screwed up my mother was- a fact I wholly disagree with. I needed a different game plan, something to completely take my mind off of my life, even for an hour.  So I decided to take ballet.

I took ballet until I was 11 or twelve and then stopped for some reason I can't even remember. I did remember that I loved it and that in ballet class the outside world disappeared. I have now been taking ballet for about a year at two local studios. My life has improved significantly, even if  my dancing has made only modest gains.
So these are my chronicles of re-starting ballet, at 31, while working 80 hours a week trying to become perfect at something else (surgery). Should be fun!

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